Magi-Nation Duel:

Promos Card List

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Name Abwyn's Gift : Arderial Spell
Cost: 3
Effect: If you have a Creature in play, choose any one Creature in play. Discard the chosen Creature from play. Return any one of your Creatures in play to your hand, discarding all of that Creature's energy.
Flavor: "It's all about a little give and take. You give, and I take." -Abwyn
Rarity: Limited
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Name Atekkia's Gift : Underneath Spell
Cost: 3
Effect: If you have a Creature in play, choose any one Creature in play. Return the chosen Creature to it's owners hand, discarding all of that Creature's energy. Return any one of your Creatures in play to your hand, discarding all of that Creature's energy.
Flavor: "To master the art of nonbeing is to achieve true victory." -Atekkia
Rarity: Limited
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Name Barak's Ring : Cald Relic
Cost: 0
Effect: Effect - Purity: At the end of your turn, if all Spells in your discard pile are Cald, discard all of your non-Cald cards from play and discard one energy from each opposing Creature in play.
Flavor: "The strength of a weapon lies in the arm that wields it." -Barak, to Tryn
Rarity: Limited
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Name Bythan's Gift : Naroom Spell
Cost: 3
Effect: If you have a Creature in play, choose any one Creature in play. Add seven energy to the chosen Creature. Return any one of your Creatures in play to your hand, discarding all of that Creature's energy.
Flavor: "The life energy of the forest courses through our veins." -Bythan
Rarity: Limited
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Name Chayla : Naroom Magi
Cost: 12
Energize: 5
Starting: Eebit, Rabbage, Gilded Cage
Effect: Effect - Companionship: Once per turn, when you play an Eebit from your hand, draw a card.
Effect - Swarm: All of your Eebits in play gain "ENERGIZE: 1."
Flavor: "The more the merrier. And the furrier... and the noisier.. And the... " -Poad, Naroom Innkeeper
Rarity: Limited
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Name Chogus Little : Kybar's Teeth Creature
Cost: 5
Effect: Effect - Panic: Whenever you play a card, discard two energy from Chogus Little. Whenever an opponent plays a card, add two energy to Chogus Little.
Flavor: "Is the sky falling?" -Hok
Rarity: Limited
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Name Comet Hyren : Arderial Creature
Cost: 7
Effect: Effect - Bright Tail: Whenever Comet Hyren attacks, it removes twice as much energy as it has from the defending Creature.
Flavor: The star that burns twice as bright burns half as long.
Rarity: Limited
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Name Coral Pyder : Orothe Creature
Cost: 2
Effect: Effect - Playful: Whenever Coral Pyder attacks a Magi, it removes no energy in the attack. Instead, energize your Magi.
Flavor: "It couldn't make enemies from a kit." -Quilla
Rarity: Limited
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Name Drush : Core Creature
Cost: 4
Effect: Effect - Vengeance: If Drush is attacked and defeated, choose any one of the attacking player's Creatures in play. Discard the chosen Creature from play.
Weave Magi may play Drush.
Flavor: Thought to be one of the rarest dream creatures, a cache of them was recently discovered.
Rarity: Limited
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Name Eidon : Naroom Magi
Trait: Keeper
Cost: 12
Energize: 6
Starting: Grow, Furok, Forest Jile
Effect: Effect - Familiarity: Whenever Eidon plays a Creature, add two energy to Eidon if another Creature with the same name is already in play.
Flavor: "I travel all over the Moonlands... that is, when I can get away from Gia."
Rarity: Limited
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Name Elemental Shield : Universal Spell
Cost: 1
Effect: Choose any one other Magi in play. Until the end of your next turn, your cards in play are not affected by that Magi's Spells, Powers, and Effects.
Flavor: "Not in my house." -Jaela, Regis
Rarity: Limited
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Name Emaal : Underneath Magi
Trait: Saboteur
Cost: 10
Energize: 7
Starting: Parmalag, Gloves of Crystal, Impact
Effect: Effect - Sabotage: When Emaal is defeated, discard all energy from all opposing Magi and draw a card.
Flavor: "You're not as big as you thought you were."
Rarity: Limited
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Name Empress Gia : Core Magi
Trait: Alternate Nagsis
Cost: 15
Energize: 5
Starting: Drush, Gia Pet, Corrupt
Effect: Empress Gia can only play Core, Weave, and Universal cards.
Effect - Act Like Gia: If you have no Core cards in play, draw an additional card at the end of each of your turns and your Weave Creatures lose one less energy when attacked.
Effect - Fight Like Nagsis: If you have Core cards in play, all of your Creatures may attack, even those that cannot normally attack.
Flavor: "My voice is raw from speaking in falsetto all the time."
Rarity: Limited
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Name Forest Hyren : Naroom Creature
Cost: 9
Effect: Effect - Underbrush: Whenever a Spell or Power adds energy to Forest Hyren, add an additional energy to Forest Hyren.
Power - Energy Transfer: 5 - Choose any one other Creature in play. Add seven energy to the chosen Creature.
Naroom Shadow Magi can play Forest Hyren.
Flavor: The most beautiful foilage in the forest can be found in the hyren's footsteps.
Rarity: Limited
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Name Furlosk : Naroom Creature
Cost: 7
Effect: Effect - Swamp Lore: Once per turn, when you play another Bograth Creature, draw a card.
Effect - Forest Power: Once per turn, when you play another Naroom Creature, add two energy to your Magi.
Effect - Companionship: If you do not have at least one other Bograth and one other Naroom Creature in play, discard Furlosk from play.
Flavor: "We all need somebody to lean on." -Wiep, the Sniveler
Rarity: Limited
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Name Furlosk : Bograth Creature
Cost: 7
Effect: Effect - Swamp Lore: Once per turn, when you play another Bograth Creature, draw a card.
Effect - Forest Power: Once per turn, when you play another Naroom Creature, add two energy to your Magi.
Effect - Companionship: If you do not have at least one other Bograth and one other Naroom Creature in play, discard Furlosk from play.
Flavor: "We all need somebody to lean on." -Wiep, the Sniveler
Rarity: Limited
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Name Gauntlets of Colossal Power : Universal Relic
Cost: 2
Effect: Power - Whole Lotta Glove: 2 - Choose any one Creature in play. Discard Gauntlets of Colossal Power from play. The next time the chosen Creature attacks, it removes twelve energy instead of its current energy.
Flavor: "One size hits all." -Bria, Vault Curator
Rarity: Limited
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Name Gia : Weave Magi
Cost: 16
Energize: 5
Starting: Book of Ages, Bungaloo, Weave Hyren
Effect: Power - Unearth: 1 - Discard any one of your Relics from play to search your deck for any one Relic and put it directly into play. Shuffle your deck afterwards.
Flavor: "Eidon, don't you have some work to do?"
Rarity: Limited
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Name Gia Pet : Core Creature
Cost: 9
Effect: Effect - Impede: All players draw one less card during their Draw Step.
Power - Power Siphon: Choose any one opposing Spell in play. Gia Pet gains energy equal to the energy cost of the chosen Spell.
Weave Magi can play Gia Pet. Non-Core, non-Weave Magi cannot play Gia Pet.
Flavor: Gia thought it a fair trade for safe passage through the Weave.
Rarity: Limited
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Name Glade Hyren : Naroom Creature
Cost: 7
Effect: Effect - Serenity: As you play Glade Hyren, you may discard a card from your hand. If you do, reduce Glade Hyren's cost by one for each of your other Naroom Creatures in play, to a minimum of one.
Flavor: "I don't even dream them up; they simply appear in times of need." -Eidon, Elder
Rarity: Limited
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Name Gorgle's Gift : Cald Spell
Cost: 3
Effect: If you have a Creature in play, choose any one Creature in play. Discard seven energy from the chosen Creature. Return any one of your Creatures in play to your hand, discarding all of that Creature's energy.
Flavor: "There is no need to fear fire - let our enemies do that for us." -Gorgle
Rarity: Limited
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Name Gragling : Core Creature
Cost: 3
Effect: Effect - Melancholy: Whenever one of your Creatures loses eneryg from an opposing Spell or Power, add one energy to Gragling.
Effect - Lonely: If you have another Creature in play, Gragling gains 'ENERGIZE: 1'.
Flavor: "Little grag lost, in a world all alone. Poor thing; all this happiness is bringing him down." -Harror, Nightstalker
Rarity: Limited
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Name Grakanden : Underneath Creature
Cost: 9
Effect: Effect - Grounding: Once per turn, as an opposing player plays a Spell, you may discard three energy from Grakanden to cancel all effects of that Spell. Return the Spell to that player's hand at the end of the turn.
Flavor: "I've never met a mushroom that could talk, but I'd swear that thing just said 'NO!'" -Kesia, Weaverunner
Rarity: Limited
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Name Inferno Xyx : Cald Creature
Cost: 6
Effect: Power - Blast: 4 - Discard Inferno Xyx from play. Choose any one Creature in play. Discard fifteen energy from the chosen Creature.
Flavor: It's a pyro maniac.
Rarity: Limited
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Name Jalex : Core Magi
Cost: 14
Energize: 6
Starting: Shadow Vinoc, Shadow Bones
Effect: Power - Designer Intent: 1 - Choose a region. Until the end of your turn, Jalex can play Creatures and Spell of the chosen region, ignoring regional restrictions and penalties.
Flavor: "You think you can beat me with fruit on sticks? Ha! Ow! Ow-ow!"
Rarity: Limited
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Name Kalius' Ring : Arderial Relic
Cost: 0
Effect: Effect - Purity: At the end of your turn, if all Spells in your discard pile are Arderial, discard all of your non-Arderial cards from play and choose any one non-Arderial Creatures in play with three or less energy. Discard the chosen Creature from play.
Flavor: "When all is said and done, it's how you got there that matters." -Kalius
Rarity: Limited
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Name Kayliel : Orothe Magi
Cost: 12
Energize: 5
Starting: Barqua's Bubble, Hubdra's Spear, Orothean Goggles
Effect: Effect - Relic Subversion: When you reveal Kayliel, gain control of all opposing Relics.
Flavor: Cute but crabby.
Rarity: Limited
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Name Korg : Core Magi
Cost: 19
Energize: 6
Starting: Dryte Fiend, Arboll Stalker
Effect: Effect - Dis-ray: Kor may not play Universal cards. All Creatures played by Korg lose one energy when they come into play.
Flavor: "Shaddup, Zet! I'm in charge, and I say we go in and cause di...dis...ray."
Rarity: Limited
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Name Kybar's Gift : Kybar's Teeth Spell
Cost: 3
Effect: If you have a Creature in play, choose an opposing Magi. Return one of your Creatures to your hand, discarding all of that Creatures energy. Reveal your hand to all players. Discard energy equal to the number of Kybar's Teeth Creatures in your hand from both the chosen Magi and one of that Magi's Creatures.
Flavor: "Kybar's greatest gift: gravity." -Kazm
Rarity: Limited
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Name League Elder : Universal Magi
Trait: Purveyor of Great Fun
Cost: 15
Energize: 5
Starting: One Creature
Effect: Effect - Adapt: When you reveal League Elder, choose any one region. League Elder is from that region.
Effect - Prepare: During your draw step, instead of drawing two cards, draw until you have five cards in your hand.
Flavor: "With all the troubles, we need some fun to bring us together." -League Charter
Rarity: Limited
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Name Monarch Hyren : Universal Creature
Cost: 9
Effect: Power - Command: 1 - Add one energy to each of your hyren in play.
Power - Demand: 1 - Search your deck for any one hyren, show it to your opponent, and add the chosen card to your hand. Shuffle your deck.
Flavor: "It's my fiercest dream creature, the centerpiece of my collection, and my best friend." -Yerthe
Rarity: Limited
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Name Monsoon Hyren : Orothe Creature
Cost: 7
Effect: Effect - Ebb: When you play Monsoon Hyren, move one energy from each of your other Creatures in play to Monsoon Hyren.
Power - Ravaging Storm: 9 - Discard Monsoon Hyren from play. Discard all opposing Creatures with less than five energy.
Flavor: "Ive tried dreaming up more peaceful Monsoon Hyren, but I don't think it's in their nature." -Quilla
Rarity: Limited
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Name Morag's Gift : Core Spell
Cost: 3
Effect: If you have a Creature in play, choose an opposing Magi. Attach Morag's Gift to the chosen Magi. Return any one of your Creatures to your hand, discarding all of that Creature's energy. While Morag's Gift is in play, whenever the chosen Magi plays a Creature, add two energy to your Magi. A Magi can only be affected by one copy of Morag's Gift at a time.
Flavor: This present: Darkness
Rarity: Limited
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Name Nagsis' Sigil : Core Relic
Cost: 0
Effect: Effect - Corruption: At the end of your turn, if all Spells in your discard pile are Core, discard each of your non-Core cards from play and choose any Magi. Move up to two energy from the chosen Magi to your Magi.
Flavor: So marked, your freedom ends. -Sigil's inscription
Rarity: Limited
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Name Niffer : Arderial Magi
Cost: 14
Energize: 5
Starting: Ayebaw, Brannix, Shooting Star
Effect: Effect - Allies: When you reveal Niffer, choose any one region. Niffer is from the chosen region asw well as Arderial. Niffer cannot play cards that are not Arderial, Universal, or of the chosen region.
Effect - Overwrite: When you play a Spell, you may discard two energy from Niffer to change any one region name in the Spell to any other region.
Flavor: "Well, somebody has to teach you folks how it's done."
Rarity: Limited
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Name Nightmare Hyren : Core Creature
Cost: 7
Effect: Power - Horrible Dreams: 3 - Choose an opposing Creature. The chosen Creature gains 'Effect - Toss and Turn: At the beginning of your turn, discard one energy from your Magi and each of your Creatures in play. This Creature removes two less energy from Core Creatures in attacks.'
Flavor: "Why'd you have to dream up that one? It... it scares me." -Qwade, to Harror
Rarity: Limited
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Name Nightmare's Dawn : Universal Spell
Cost: 2
Effect: All Magi who only have cards of their region in play gain five energy.
Flavor: "We can count on none but ourselves." -Warrada, The Shadow
Rarity: Limited
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Name Oranragan : Kybar's Teeth Creature
Cost: 8
Effect: Effect - Crush: When you play Oranragan, choose and discard an opposing Relic from play.
Effect - Vengeance: When an opposing card discard one of your cards from play or reduces one of your other Creatures to zero energy, add two energy to Oranragan.
Effect - Invulnerability: Oranragan loses one less energy in attacks.
Flavor: "What the heck would you do with a banana that big anyway?" -Jagt, Prankster
Rarity: Limited
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Name Oranragan : Paradwyn Creature
Cost: 8
Effect: Effect - Crush: When you play Oranragan, choose and discard an opposing Relic from play.
Effect - Vengeance: When an opposing card discard one of your cards from play or reduces one of your other Creatures to zero energy, add two energy to Oranragan.
Effect - Invulnerability: Oranragan loses one less energy in attacks.
Flavor: "What the heck would you do with a banana that big anyway?" -Jagt, Prankster
Rarity: Limited
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Name Orlon's Ring : Orothe Relic
Cost: 0
Effect: Effect - Purity: At the end of your turn, if all Spells in your discard pile are Orothe, discard all of your non-Orothe cards from play and add one energy to your Magi for each Orothe Relic you have in play.
Flavor: "The ring is worthless. I found it in a box of jellybeans. The power is in YOU, Orlon!" -Mobis, Elder
Rarity: Limited
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Name Ormagon : Underneath Creature
Cost: 10
Effect: Power - Devastate: 10 - Discard all non-Underneath Creatures from play.
Flavor: Big ba-da-boom
Rarity: Limited
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Name Orwin's Ring : Naroom Relic
Cost: 0
Effect: Effect - Purity: At the end of your turn, if all Spells in your discard pile are Naroom, discard all of your non-Naroom cards from play and add one energy to each of your Creatures in play.
Flavor: "It builds, like his temper." -Tryn, Daughter of Runes
Rarity: Limited
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Name Owinda's Gift : Orothe Spell
Cost: 3
Effect: If you have a Creature in play, draw four cards. Return any one of your Creatures in play to your hand, discarding all of that Creature's energy.
Flavor: "The tides are our greatest source of knowledge." -Owinda
Rarity: Limited
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Name Phosphor Hyren : Underneath Creature
Cost: 7
Effect: Effect - Light Barrier: Opposing Creatures with less energy than Phosphor Hyren cannot attack your non-Hyren Underneath Creatures. Phosphor Hyren can not be burrowed.
Flavor: "The light makes the creche-lings feel safe, and he's great at parties." -Ulk, Underwarden
Rarity: Limited
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Name Power of the Creators : Universal Spell
Cost: 11
Effect: Choose a player. If that player's name is printed in the most recent printing of the Magi-Nation Duel rulebook, choose any one Magi in play. Discard that Magi and all of their cards from play. You cannot choose a player who has signed this card.
STARTING: Tony Jones, Agram
Flavor: You're gonna kick whose what?
Rarity: Limited
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Name Pyte : Cald Magi
Cost: 15
Energize: 5
Starting: Greater Vaal, Thermal Blast
Effect: Effect - Luck: Add one to every die you roll, to a maximum of six.
Effect - Respite: When you defeat an opposing Magi, draw two cards.
Flavor: "Now I know why I get up in the morning."
Rarity: Limited
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Name Rabbage : Naroom Creature
Cost: 3
Energize: 2
Flavor: My garden! It's been rabbaged." -Gruk
Rarity: Limited
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Name Rayje's Belt : Universal Relic
Cost: 0
Effect: Power - Lockdown: Choose any one Power or Effect on a card in play. Until the end of your next turn, the chosen Power or Effect cannot be used while Rayje's Belt is in play.
Flavor: "Great. You fixed it. I was afraid it was broken for good." -Rayje to Emec
Rarity: Limited
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Name Rayje's Construct : Universal Creature
Cost: 12
Effect: Effect - Ancestral Favor: All of your Spells cost one less energy to play, to a minimum of one.
Power - Auraflection: 2 - Copy any one Power on your Magi; paying all costs.
Power - Channeling: Discard two cards from your hand to add two energy to your Magi.
Effect - Invigorate: Your Magi's energize rate is increased by one.
Power - Lore: 2 - Draw one card.
Power - Pound Pound Pound: 2 - Discard any one Relic from play.
Effect - Tinker: Whenever you play a Relic, add one energy to any one Creature in play.
Flavor: "It comes in three different sizes, large, extra large, and Oh My Gosh, It's Coming This Way!" -Pruitt, starting to run
Rarity: Limited
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Name Rayje's Shield : Universal Relic
Cost: 2
Effect: Effect - Leadership: Each time you draw a card, choose one of your Creatures in play. Add one energy to the chosen Creature. You cannot choose a Creature more than once per turn with Leadership.
Flavor: To serve and protect - inscription
Rarity: Limited
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Name Rejuvenate : Universal Spell
Cost: 2
Effect: Choose any one Creature in play. Add five energy to the chosen Creature. This cannot raise a Creature above its starting energy.
Flavor: "As good as new, but no better." -Gar
Rarity: Limited
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Name Shivara : Arderial Magi
Trait: Mistress of the Winds
Cost: 12
Energize: 5
Starting: Flutter Yup, Grand Epik, Shooting Star
Effect: Shivara can only play Arderial and Universal cards.
Effect - Loyalty: Whenever one of your Creatures is discarded from play by an opposing Spell, instead return that Creature to its owner's hand.
Effect - Eternal Service: Whenever one of your Creatures is discarded from play while attacking, add half of that Creature's starting energy, rounded down, to Shivara.
Flavor: "What blows around, comes around." -Shivara, Mistress of the Winds
Rarity: Limited
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Name Shockwave : Arderial Spell
Cost: 5
Effect: Choose any one Creature in play. Discard the chosen Creature from play.
Flavor: "Dang! It was right here a second ago..." -Hrada
Rarity: Limited
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Name Strag's Ring : Underneath Relic
Cost: 0
Effect: Effect - Purity: At the end of your turn, if all Spells in your discard pile are Underneath, discard all of your non-Underneath cards from play and choose any one Creature in play. Until the end of your next turn, the chosen Creature is considered burrowed; it cannot attack and loses no more than two energy per turn from attacks and opposing Spells and Powers.
Flavor: "Go! I'll cover you." -Strag
Rarity: Limited
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Name Tempest Hyren : Arderial Creature
Cost: 7
Effect: Effect - Lightning Storm: When Tempest Hyren attacks, you may play one Arderial Spell from your hand. All energy costs for the chosen Spell are paid for by Tempest Hyren instead of your Magi. Reduce the energy cost of the Spell by two, to a minimum of one.
Flavor: Taming the tempest hyren is the final test for young Shield-Magi.
Rarity: Limited
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Name The Dark Twins : Core Magi
Trait: Naroom Shadow, Alternate Hrada
Cost: 26
Energize: 7
Starting: Entomb, any Core Creature, any Core Spell
Effect: The Dark Twins count as two Magi for deck construction. The Dark Twins may go first every game and, if they go first, they may draw up to seven starting cards. If The Dark Twins are defeated and your next Magi is Naroom, that Magi becomes a Naroom Shadow Magi. All rules for Shadow Magi apply to the new Magi.
Flavor: "One day our child shall set me free, Une, and the world shall awaken to its worst nightmare." -Agram
Rarity: Limited
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Name The Prankster : Kybar's Teeth Magi
Trait: Alternate Jagt
Cost: 14
Energize: 6
Starting: Pebble Hinko, Yark Gloves
Effect: Effect - Surprise!: At the beginning of your turn, if you have no Creatures in play, reveal the top card of your deck. If the revealed card is a Kybar's Teeth Creature, you may play it, reducing its cost by four, to a minimum of zero. The Creature cannot attack this turn. Otherwise, discard the revealed card.
Flavor: "TREMBLE in my presence, weakling." "You brought presents? For me?" -Hrada and Jagt
Rarity: Limited
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Name Thunderquake : Underneath Spell
Cost: X
Effect: Choose any number of Creatures in play. Discard a total of X energy in any combination from the chosen Creatures. X cannot by more than 10.
Flavor: "Are you rrrready to rrrrumble?" -Gogor, Celebrated Hero of the Underneath
Rarity: Limited
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Name Tony at Con : Universal Magi
Cost: 12
Energize: 5
Starting: Tomorrow's Jewel, Beam of Light, One Creature
Effect: Power - Caffine!: Take an additional turn after this one. All Magi in your Magi stack gain "Effect - Sleep Dep: At the end of your turn, if you just took two turns in a row, defeat your Magi. Sleep Dep cannot be prevented or canceled."
Flavor: "Can't sleep... must play...gotta shower..."
Rarity: Limited
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Name Tony Jones : Universal Magi
Cost: 10
Energize: 5
Starting: Any one Creature card, Furok
Effect: Effect - Animite Affinity: Non-Universal Creatures Tony plays cost one less energy, to a minimum of one.
Power - Favors: 2 - Put any one Relic from your hand into play.
Flavor: "I've never seen anything like this... you're not from around here, are you?" -Eidon, Keeper
Rarity: Limited
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Name Tuku : Universal Magi
Cost: 12
Energize: 6
Starting: Colossus, Warrior's Boots
Effect: Power - Restrain: 2 - Until the end of your next turn, Magi cannot play any non-Universal Relics or Spells.
Flavor: I am no giant.
Rarity: Limited
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Name Ullig's Ring : Kybar's Teeth Relic
Cost: 0
Effect: Effect - Purity: At the end of your turn, if all Spells in your discard pile are Kybar's Teeth, discard each of your non-Kybar's Teeth cards from play and choose an opposing Magi. Until the beginning of your next turn, each of that Magi's Creatures cost one additional energy to play.
Flavor: Stand atop the Fang, and thus above your enemies. -Ring's inscription
Rarity: Limited
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Name Voice of the Storms : Universal Spell
Cost: 2
Effect: Add two energy to each Creature in play with more than one region.
Flavor: "How do you play to weather the storm of wars?" -Orthea, to Jaela
Rarity: Limited
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Name Volcano Hyren : Cald Creature
Cost: 7
Effect: Power - Conflagration: 2 - The next Cald Spell you play this turn that removes energy from a single Creature removes an additional energy from that Creature and one energy from each of that player's other Creatures in play.
Flavor: "The battle was over, and I told it to 'cool down', but it just looked at me funny." -Grega
Rarity: Limited
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Name Warrior's Boots : Universal Relic
Cost: 0
Effect: Power - Warpath: Discard Warrior's Boots from play. Immediately play a Creature from your hand. You must still pay all costs for the Creature.
Flavor: "These boots were made for stompin'," -Harror, Nightstalker
Rarity: Limited
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Name Zet : Core Magi
Cost: 12
Energize: 6
Starting: Terrorize, Turn, Koil, Shadow Cloak
Effect: Effect - Good Riddance: If Korg is in any player's defeated Magi pile, add three energy to Zet's starting energy.
Power - Treachery: (X+4) - Zet gains control of any one Creature in play. X is the amount of energy on that Creature. If the Creature is a non-Core Creature, it loses one energy. The Creature may not attack this turn.
Flavor: "Korg, this is the perfect chance for us to get in there and cause some disarray."
Rarity: Limited
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