Magi-Nation Duel:


Nagi-Nation: Bograth Treepsh
Name: Treepsh
Region/Type: Bograth Creature
Cost: 2
Effect: Effect - Watchful: Whenever an opposing Spell, Power, or Effect discards energy from one or more of your Creatures in play, you may discard Treepsh from play. If you do, the Spell, Power, or Effect does nothing.
Power - Supply: Discard Treepsh from play. Draw a card. If you have more Creatures in play than any one opponent of your choice, draw an additional card.
Flavor Text: They're very common along the border between the two regions, hence they always get caught in the middle.
Illustrators: Gillette, Goodman, Holmberg
Rarity: 3
Set: Nightmare's Dawn
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