Magi-Nation Duel:


Nagi-Nation: Bograth Phlouk
Name: Phlouk
Region/Type: Bograth Magi
Trait: Grand Supreme Ringsmith
Cost: 12
Energize: 5
Starting: Gremble, Jile, Muck Vinoc
Effect: Power - Ring Testing: Play a Bograth Creature from your hand, ignoring all costs. That Creature cannot attack this turn. At the end of your turn, discard energy from Phlouk equal to the Creature's starting energy. If you don't have enough energy on Phlouk, discard the Creature from play.
Flavor Text: "Not only is he supreme, he even makes the rings really round." -Blygt, Magificent Remembering Guy
Illustrators: Gillette, Goodman, Werner
Rarity: 2
Set: Nightmare's Dawn
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