Magi-Nation Duel:

Barak the Red

Nagi-Nation: Cald Barak the Red
Name: Barak the Red
Region/Type: Cald Magi
Trait: Warlord
Cost: 17
Energize: 5
Starting: Arbolit, Flame Rudwot, Thermal Blast
Effect: Power - Command: 1 - Search your deck for any one Cald Creature and place it into your hand. Discard a card from your hand. Reshuffle your deck afterwards.
Flavor Text: Barak bravely faced down the great, shadowy beast. "Would you believe... a bit, hot, red-orange fireball and an ash hyren?"
Illustrators: Cook, Goodman, Werner
Rarity: 1
Set: Nightmare's Dawn
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